Impressions: Candle-Light-Dinner at "The Duchy"

Where better than at our neighbor "The Duchy" in the Breidenbacher Hof could we have celebrated the opening of our Signature Store?? The Duchy, who in the spirit of her name is a free thinker, an icon of serene independence and whose unmistakable style is based on her extraordinary powers of observation and her penchant for the most beautiful things in life.? Voilá, here has just been friendly hunting Personality has just been described ... and so it is only logical that it became a wonderful, harmonious evening - with friendly hunting at "The Duchy".

Interior designer Christian Haas, who has transformed the 260-square-meter store into a place of beauty and a Garden Eden, came to Düsseldorf - as did representatives from society and business and friends & family from the wide friendly hunting world. Together and in lively exchange, they looked at the looks of the new collection, listened to the personal opening words of CEO Christian Goldmann, and then dined onfriendly hunting china with festive candlelight . Cheers to many wonderful moments & memories with our customers in the new Signature Store Düsseldorf. Come and say hi soon - we look forward to seeing you!